Fur Storage

furvaultA fur coat exposed to heat and humidity will be slightly stiffer as it ages, since its leather has lost some of its natural oils and dried out a bit. Eventually this drying will lead to cracking of the leather and excessive fur loss due to shedding. Protect your investment, store your coat with a professional furrier every summer.
Professional fur storage is the most important thing you can do to keep your fur looking beautiful and keeps it in good shape for many enjoyable years to come.

Your basement does not offer the proper conditions for fur storage. A cedar chest is never a good place for a fur coat. Not only does it not offer the proper temperature or humidity control, it makes your fur smell awful! Storage by a professional furrier-not a dry cleaner-is vitally important to your fur. As soon as the weather turns warm, your fur wants to be in a fur vault, where the temperature is chilly, and humidity controlled. The vault is kept dark, and your coat is protected from moths and other insects that thrive during the summer months. Our clean and modern facilities will insure that your furs receive the finest care during the warm, summer months. Our state-of-the-art vaults are designed to provide maximum protection and preservation of precious furs. Cleaning, glazing, and restorizing are available for all your furs, liners and shearlings.

Storage season runs from February to February.