Everyday & At-Home Fur Care Tips

Fur Needs to Breathe… No Plastic Bags

Never store your fur in a plastic bag where air cannot circulate. Furs like to breathe. Plastic prevents air from circulating and can dry out the leather when traveling, store your fur in a cloth garment bag provided by your furrier.

Never Use Cleaning Materials on a Fur

Never use sprays or cleaning fluids on your fur. Have them professionally cleaned each year to insure many years of enjoyment.

Avoid Wear & Rub Patterns

Try not to rub the fur with handbags or packages as it can cause wear spots. It is best to have your fur cared for each season by the professionals at Without A Trace.

How to Hang a Fur

Always hang your fur on a broad-shouldered hanger never on a wire hanger Give your fur enough room in the closet so the fur is not crushed. Avoid leaving a fur hanging in a bright place. The light can cause the fur to oxidize or change color.

Wet Furs

If your fur gets wet, shake it out and hang it to dry in a well-ventilated room. Keep it away from direct heater or radiator, which can cause both fur and leaf her to dry out. After it is dry, shake it again. Most furs will take some rain and snow far better than wool or ether winter coat will. If the fur is soaked through, however take it immediately to your fur retailer for proper treatment. Never comb or brush the fur.

Avoid Pins & Jewelry

Never pin jewelry on your fur.

Do Not Mothproof

Never attempt to mothproof a fur yourself. Home treatments are no substitute for professional cleaning and storage. Avoid spraying perfume or hairspray onto your fur.

Annual Cleaning & Storage

Your furrier is equipped with temperature, humidity and light controlled storage facilities to protect fur. Have fur cleaned annually by a fur specialist, definitely not dry cleaner.